Areas To Explore

.:Inspirational Quotes by Sarah:.
"In reality, we are all just the same. Hurt and lost
in this
world that shows no mercy. In our fantasy, life is perfect,
and everything is as it should be." "In the end,
there can only be one road that makes the ride
of life worth it all. Worth all the pain, hurt, and tears.
In the end, it's up to you to choose what road you take, and
what road you never think twice about." "Be
unique. Be different. Be you. Don't be afraid of what you are,
or who you are. All that should matter is that you're real,
and what people say are just sad attempts at tearing you down. Just because they
don't accept themselves."
"You lie, you're done. You speak anything less of the truth, and you'll
just be looked upon as bundle of lies.
You've lost the truth of your life. You
can't tell the difference between what is real and what are all just little
white lies." "We meet numerous people in our
expanded lives that make impacts. Allowing them into our fractured hearts is
step worth taking. When you find someone with the evident heart of an angel, and
a mind of someone so
knowledgeable, take that chance and let them in. Let your
heart embrace the light that shines through, and
thank God for giving you your
angel from Heaven." "The clock strikes midnight.
The day has reset, mistakes, however, do not."
"They say, "Read between the lines." You are missing the message. You are
missing the truth. You are missing
it. They tell you, "Find a deeper meaning."
There always is one." "It is undeniable. Love is
the very essence of life. It is powerful, and can never weakened. Present in the
heart of
those who have lost, those who have suffered, and those who have
survived. Love is real."
"Don't let the wave of change; become the reason why you are lost. Don't let the
wave of fear, become the reason
why you cannot survive. No one should have to
survive. We should just all live."
"A best friend is the kind of person
you can tell your whole life story to and not have them
say a word. They can
understand everything you have been through and still love you all
the same. It
is the strongest bond of friendship, a bond that could never possibly be broken
by any turmoil. Your best friend is God's way of saying; "Here is a piece of Me
that will
always be with you. They will never abandoned you, and never judge.
Speak, and they will listen."